Special Offer!
I lead virtual and in-person Script Your Life workshops to teach people the powerful tool of scripting to shift mindset, boost self-belief and unlock potential. Hire me to do a workshop at your business!
I offer a monthly Scripting Work Group for communal, supported skill building.
I write customized scripts (personal narratives, like a vision board with words) for those who want a little extra help giving life to their vision.
I am available for freelance writing for your marketing needs, including web copy, bios, client testimonials, editing, speeches, stories of any sort, idea consultation and more. Try me. I like a challenge!
I also offer Intuitive Reflector Readings for those wishing to gain insight into their gifts and purpose. I have the ability to "see" people's potential and deepest selves that are sometimes obscured from their view. I can be the bridge to help reconnect you to yourself, where your authenticity and essence live.
Coaching, Counsulting, Marketing, Therapy/Counseling, Health & Wellness, Creative
I’ve always wanted to be one of those women who is crazy about herself. A radiant, embodied woman who lives as her free, unapologetic, true self.
For years I had this aching feeling that something was missing from my life. I realized it was ME.
I have reclaimed my authentic self and I write about it on my blog (thetrueYOUblog.net) and I coach other women (through workshops and 1:1) to be their real, vibrant, authentic selves.
If you want more joy, confidence, empowerment and to live rooted in your worth, I can help! What you want is possible and it begins within YOU.
About your business
Women of ANY AGE who want to own their authenticity and power and live at the center of their own lives.
Who is your ideal client?