Finely Sorted Organizing was founded in 2000 by Kimberly Corey, after discovering how much she loved to go through her grandparents’ multi generational farmhouse barn where she made space for a summer art studio and rescued desired sentimental items for the family. She has been providing quality organizing services for hundreds of people ever since.
Located in Bangor, Maine, Finely Sorted Organizing has helped people with everything from decluttering, downsizing, house clean outs, closet, basement, garage, kitchen makeovers, optimizations of living and storage spaces, mudroom triages, file cabinet overhauls and organization strategies for kids that will help them throughout their lives.
About your business
Everyone from authors, therapists, professionals, professors, wealth advisors, doctors, bachelors, busy moms, professors, high school students, children, manufacturers and retirees, have learned about organizing their home and received relief from the chaos of the things around them.
Who is your ideal client?