Business Address:
735 Main Road N, Hampden, ME 04444
Phone Number:
Special Offer!
Inquire about our annual memberships, allowing you to budget your needed foot care and let us help you maintain the health of your feet.
We also hold quarterly low-cost clinics at our Hampden location. Please inquire by calling our office at 207-991-0141
Healthcare, Senior Living, Wellness
Our team of registered nurses are also nationally certified in the specialty of medically based, routine foot care. We serve all ages, but cater primarily to the older adult and chronically I'll populations.
We do thorough nursing assessments of clients' feet, toes, toenail, and lower legs. We trim toenails, reduce thickened callouses and corns, free most ingrowing toenails,
We exist so our clients dont have to suffer in silence, or lose their dignity with discomfort, or risk the danger of infections, falls, reduced mobility and/or amputations, for something that is preventable.
Our clients can feel the compassion in our care, from their head to their toes!
About your business
Our ideal client is 65 years of age or older, and suddenly find it difficult to trim their own toenails due to inabilty to reach, see, or don't have proper tools.
Clients may also seek us out if they have diabetes, peripheral vascular disease, neuropathy, or they take a blood-thinning medication. All of these situations make clients considered high risk. Such cases are more safely served with care being performed by a proper trained medical professional.
Who is your ideal client?