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Special Offer!
Judges, lawyers and Mediators working with divorcing and separating parents are able to obtain a free link to an evidence-based program called Children in Between Online (CIBO). This program is used in over 40 states throughout the country with a proven track record of a 57% reduction in relitigation and significant positive outcomes for youth.
:Parents and caregivers can meet with me for 15 minutes to discuss their parenting education experience and interest.
:Those interested in classes for parents in their community, can meet with me for 20 minutes to discuss necessary arrangements.
:The Strengthening Children’s Program is available for purchase/licensing in
Health & Wellness, Consulting
I am a family science professional that works with parents, co-parents, caregivers and policymakers who seek access to parenting and family education. These sessions may be held as a class with parents typically at a school or faith community; or individual parenting education (IPE) sessions. I also provide access to an online class specifically for those experiencing separation and divorce as well as follow-up IPE sessions tailored to their specific needs.
I also co-authored the Strengthening Children’s Program for groups of youth in grades 3-5 and 6-8 whose families have experience with separation and divorce. This 6-session program (45-60 minutes each) is available for schools, therapists, faith leaders, and others interested in providing an invaluable resource for children. The parents are provided with information about each session via email. All the information for Group Leader’s implementation is provided eliminating the need for program training. An evaluation component for program providers is available for each cycle meeting grant-funding requirements.
About your business
Anyone responsible for the caring of children whether in a family, school, agency, treatment practice, or legal process, can meet with me to determine which service will meet their needs.
Who is your ideal client?